Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Emily Dickenson And The Theme Of Death Essay -- GCSE English Literature

Emily Dickinson And the Theme of Death     Emily Dickenson, an unconventional 19th century poet, utilise death as thetheme for many of her verses. Dickensons poems offer a creative andrefreshingly different perspective on death and its effects on others. InDickensons poems, death is often personified, and is also assigned topersonalities far different from the traditional "horror movie" roles.Dickenson also combines imaginative diction with vivid imagery to doastonishingly powerful poems.     In the 1862 poem, After Great pain, a formal feeling comes--, EmilyDickenson presents death from the perspective of the bereaved. This poem iswritten in the third person, and informs the ratifier as to the actions andthoughts of the mourners through an omniscient narration. In contrast, most ofDickensons other death related poems show the reader the perspective of thedead. The vivid imagery in this poem functions to enhance the readerspercepti on of the poem. The following passage conveys a resplendent physicalsense of coldness as someone is frozen to death     "This is the Hour of Lead--     Remembered, if outlived,     As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow--     First--Chill--then Stupor--then the letting go--"The innovative diction in this passage creates an eerie a...

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