Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Reaction Time of Firefighters Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Reaction Time of Firefighters - Research Paper Example Similarly, the reaction time of night shift is comparatively higher than that of 10-hours shift (table 3). Thus, the results demonstrate that the firefighters working in 24-hours shift with are more efficient to respond to any emergency call. Further this hypothesis was tested using the anova test in order to see if there was any equality of variance across the shifts in which the firefighters were performing their job. This test also confirmed the assumption previously discussed that the reaction time increased with 24-hours shift as compared to the day shift and night shift (table 4). Thus, the performance level improves with the increase of shift timing. It is imparative to describe that in order to eliminate any wrong conclusion, these tests were recorded separaely in the beginning of shift as well as at the end of the shift. The above table shows the response from the beginning of shift while table 5 shows the test recorded at the end of the shift. However the results are consistant as these indacte the same standard deviation and standard error statistics which prove that the with the increase of shift-timing, the response time increases. The above results show the tests recorded for word identificaiton in the beginning of shift as well as at the end of the shift. ... 4 99.2500 7.80491 3.90246 86.8306 111.6694 89.00 108.00 24 hour shift 4 90.7500 15.30523 7.65261 66.3960 115.1040 68.00 101.00 Total 12 97.2500 10.93888 3.15778 90.2998 104.2002 68.00 110.00 It is imparative to describe that in order to eliminate any wrong conclusion, these tests were recorded separaely in the beginning of shift as well as at the end of the shift. The above table shows the response from the beginning of shift while table 5 shows the test recorded at the end of the shift. However the results are consistant as these indacte the same standard deviation and standard error statistics which prove that the with the increase of shift-timing, the response time increases. Table 5 RT word identification end of shift N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound day shift 4 98.7500 6.55108 3.27554 88.3258 109.1742 93.00 107.00 night shift 4 98.7500 6.18466 3.09233 88.9088 108.5912 95.00 108.00 24 hour shift 4 76.7500 19.37997 9.68999 45.9121 107.5879 48.00 90.00 Total 12 91.4167 15.55318 4.48982 81.5346 101.2987 48.00 108.00 Color identification Test The above results show the tests recorded for word identificaiton in the beginning of shift as well as at the end of the shift. In orer to see how the firefighters would respond to the color test. In order to further illustrate the assumption, an other test was recorded in which the participants were required to answer to the color identification test. The result are consistant again as the it is confirmed from the table 6 that as the shift-timing increases the response time aslos increase. The same Table 6 Color Identification RT color identification beginning of shift N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence

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